AHRI Directory

Residential Water Heaters

AHRI Certified Reference Number
Model Status
Brand Name
Model Number
Energy Source
Heater Type
Usage Bin
First Hour Rating (GPH)
Uniform Energy Factor
Nominal Capacity (gal)
DOE Rated Storage Volume (gal)
Input (MBtu/h)
Input (kW)
Recovery Efficiency, (%)
Direct Vent
Electronic Ignition
Manufactured Housing
Power Combustion or Power Vent
Sold In?
CEE Tier
Click on AHRI Certified Reference Number to view/print the AHRI Certificate of Product Ratings. Models with "Active" Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant is currently producing AND selling or offering for sale; OR new models that are being marketed but are not yet being produced. Models with “Production Stopped” Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant is no longer producing BUT is still selling or offering for sale.

Program Name: Residential Water Heaters
AHRI Certified Ratings
AHRI Certified Reference Number Old AHRI Reference Number Model Status Manufacturer Name Brand Name Series Name Model Number Energy Source Heater Type Usage Bin First Hour Rating(GPH) Max GPM Uniform Energy Factor Nominal Capacity (gal) DOE Rated Storage Volume (gal) Input (MBtu/h) Input (kW) UED Recovery Efficiency, % Sold In? Labeled ENERGY STAR CEE Tier Meets CEE Optional Connected Criteria?